What up beautiful souls!! Today is the last Saturday in 2018. Wow! I know this has been an up and down year for many of us. I know for me it felt like I was living my best and worst life at the same time. I had a very deep transformative year. I know for a fact that I am happy AF to be where I am now. I went through some vital healing and now I feel very good. I am ready to take on the world.
I let go of a lot of of toxic strings this year. I did some inner diving and brought it all up. I was ready to stop attracting trauma, hurt and pain through people or situations. When you understand that YOU play a major part in what comes into your reality, you'll start to focus on being better so that you can attract better and more loving experiences. Your tribe should be the authentic support you need to keep you inspired and full of life! Who you surround yourself with plays a key role in your evolution.
If you are ready to really be a better you in 2019...and detach and release through love the things that no longer serve you, I invite you to reach out to me and set up your FREE 30-MIN.Breakthrough Call with me so that we can discuss the key ingredients I have through my Dee’Tox Signature System™ Program that will ultimately give you the happiness you truly deserve!!
​To learn more about enhancing your life please check out the video below: